Pure Graphene Acoustics™

GraphAudio is launching a revolutionary, new 100% pure graphene acoustic platform for consumer electronics and enterprise systems. Its patented technology and proprietary electrostatic micro transducers (speakers/ microphones/sensors) and proprietary electronics will finally bring the promise of graphene acoustics to commercial reality for mobile and connected devices.


The Vision

Create a 100% pure graphene acoustic product platform of micro transducers and proprietary electronics to become the”Intel Inside” for audio throughout the world.

The Mission

Become the leader in acoustic sensing, micro-speakers, and microphones in mobile, consumer and enterprise electronics.

The Opportunity

Enhance audio streaming and communications across multiple digital platforms, enabling a new era of mobile and IoT products.

The Brand

Since the science behind the GraphAudio product is so revolutionary, the identity needed to be clean, crisp, and contemporary to convey a crystal clear and sharp audio experience. The visual interpretation of the audio experience is a gentle gradation of soothing color and patterns that convey the vibrations of sound itself. The typography was designed to act as a motivating guide throughout the experience.

Enabling a new era of mobile and IoT products.